RFQ / RFP Development

RFQ (Request for Qualifications) and RFP (Request for Proposal) Preparation

Researching, soliciting and selecting the best party to design and/or build your project is a critical step in development.  An accurate and thorough statement on expected qualifications, background and experience of designers and builders will provide confidence that you will be hiring the right people for your project team.  Likewise, detailed and fact-based specifications on expected project design features, equipment specifications, required efficiencies and other performance parameters are "must haves" if the project is to perform operationally and financially as expected. 

The following is a partial list of what might be included in a comprehensive RFP on a distributed generation project:

Shoreline Energy Advisors provides a complete RFP or RFQ package, working in collaboration with engineers, lawyers and funding sources to assure that vendors design and build a project that will produce the financial and operational performance that was promised to your investors, owners or Board.